Once more into…
In the morning Dusty and I agreed that we should not waste this opportunity in this special place. Special for me was getting that once in a lifetime photo that would transport me and my loved ones to this place and time in my life. Special for Dusty was to relax and enjoy vacation time in an environment that begged a birder to sit with a cup of coffee for a couple hours watching and listening to the wonders of nature.
After a breakfast that included eggs Benedict and coca tea we both followed our own paths.

I worked my way early in the morning to higher vistas with the magical light of that time of day beckoning my camera and iPhone. I chatted with an older woman from Argentina on my way up on one of my many pauses to catch my breath. I must admit by now 8000 feet was not nearly as tough as my first day at 12,000 feet.
I saw a couple trying to get a shot of themselves with very little luck. Between their French and my Spanish plus travel gesture language we agreed that I would take their picture. In return they offered to do the same for me.

Realizing I was not getting where I had hoped I asked one of the rangers if I could backtrack to get there. A quick walkie-talkie exchange and I was looking at a different ranger on the next plateau higher directing me where to go.
New places. Better shots. Then a pair of younger visitors asked me about my camera and where I had been when we spotted an brown alpaca grazing on the step above us about 100-yards away. I had been carrying my 300mm zoom lens without using it for three days and finally it was getting out to use. Soon a white one stepped into the frame.

Several shots and a little chatting later and we were all moving along. Down and around towards the pair of animals. As I rounded a corner I saw at least a dozen alpacas doing the lawn maintenance for the landmark. More telephoto shots and a few with the iPhone to share and I moved on.

More walking and more pictures of snow on the mountains and different views with different lighting and I worked my way back to Dusty to see how her morning went and to check out.
She had enjoyed both her coffee and her birds. She even had one nearly hit her as it flew by. Shortly after I sat down she spotted a long tailed blue and green hummingbird and I jumped into my kind of action. I got some good shots before he disappeared into the forest. We packed our bags to be sent to our next hotel.

After a wonderful and too big lunch we went back into the site planning on the easiest route we could find. After sitting down next to an older guy from Brazil we talked about the World situation and soon I asked if Dusty was rested enough to move on. I really didn’t need to wrestle with such weighty issues at the moment.
After a couple of pauses to just enjoy the view and fresh air we found a shady spot to pause. A nearby ranger suggested a loop up to the Sun Temple and Casa del Inca. I considered the number of steps and the discomfort it would cause Dusty and we decided I should go while she sit in the shade with the rangers.
After ascending the 100-foot climb to just under the Temple of the Sun I knew I made the right call. I was winded. The site was really cool. And I had the place to myself.
As I approached the Casa del Inca, or House of the Inca Emperor, one of the rangers climbed up and asked my name. I told him and soon he was giving me a private tour of the King’s house. Very cool. He even took me to an archeological site showing how the foundations had been constructed.

was rested and had a nice visit while I was away. We worked our way back to the entrance and boarded the bus to the city of Aguas Calientes below.
Our bags had been sent ahead, so we just had to get ourselves there. Unfortunately it was close to a mile walk with some more of the steps that had been tormenting Dusty for days. To repay Dusty for her suffering a Cock of the Rock bird flew near her and perched where she got a good look with her binoculars.
Another really nice hotel called Inkaterra Hotel with lovely birds and plants around the spacious grounds. Hot shower. Huge meal. Get some rest
